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Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

A car accident can be an expensive ordeal, and without proper insurance, you could be paying most of the damages out of pocket. The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other covered events. Your policy can also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident involving your vehicle.

Liability Coverage

Liability insurance helps pay for losses you cause others. In Illinois, we are required to carry liability coverage at least in the amounts of 25/50/20. This means that each accident has $25,000 medical coverage for an individual or $50,000 for more than 1 person injured, and $20,000 of property coverage for damage done to someone else's car or property. But there is no coverage under liability for you if you are the cause of the accident. Features like Collision, and Medical must be added to assist you and the passengers in your vehicle when you are at fault.

Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage gives you the assurance you need knowing that your medical expenses will be covered. In cases where the driver at fault does not have adequate liability to pay for your injuries and damages, you'll be compensated for the amount in which you are legally entitled to – in regards to you, your passengers, and your vehicle.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive insurance will cover damages to your automobile which are caused by events that are out of your immediate control. This type of insurance policy can assist in payments for damages from the weather/acts of nature, vandalism, theft, and accidents involving animals.

Collision Coverage

Collision insurance coverage pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident, when you are "at fault". Standard collision coverage will pay for any repairs up to the fair market value of your car. Collision coverage usually also comes with an insurance deductible. It's the amount of money you pay toward repairs before your collision insurance kicks in. The higher the deductible you're willing to pay, the less the collision coverage will cost.

Personal Injury Protection Coverage

Personal injury protection insurance helps reimburse you and your passengers for lost income and medical expenses , no matter who is at fault.

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance coverage protects you if your car breaks down due to mechanical or electrical issues like a dead battery, flat tires, or if you lock yourself out of the vehicle, or if you run out of gas. The coverage will also pay for towing services or roadside help.

Rental Car Reimbursement

This coverage protects you if your car is being repaired as part of a Comprehensive or Collision claim. The policy defines a daily rental limit and a length of time you can use the rented vehicle, generally up to 30 days of a rental. Incase of a total loss to the vehicle the length will change depending on the carrier.

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